중학교 1학년. 막 사춘기를 겪기 시작할 무렵이였지요. 가을이 그렇게 슬펐더랍니다.^^지금은 가을 좋아해요. yfrog.com/h7x5amjj
updated on 22 Feb 2012 04:36 (KST)
Translation (Credit cheerkoo @ soompi)
First year of middle school (6th or 7th grade in the western culture). Right at the cusp of adolescence. Autumn made me feel so sad. ^^ Now I like autumn.
In the pic, it says that Hyesun’s poem won excellence award in a poetry contest as a first grader.
To all the leaves who fell asleep inside Autumn,
by Goo HyeSun, 1st grader of class number 2
Your whisperings to me were more beautiful than the singing of the birds…
Your shining color was more pure and clearer than the autumn sky…
You who gave me more happiness than the bright sun..
You who gave me even more fragrant love than the flowers…
Now, you have become birds and one by one leave my side…
Buried inside the deep and dark soil, you have fallen asleep…
Never to be seen again, you have fallen into a deep sleep.
* Hyesun is really talented to have compose a beautiful peom at such young age. ^__^
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