April 08, 2012
[News] 120406 Ku Hye Sun arrived in Taiwan for Absolute Boyfriend promotion
「絕對達令」加入偶像劇戰局 具惠善先喀川菜「辣」一下
民視、八大偶像劇「絕對達令」本週日加入偶像劇戰場,晚間9點40分於民視全台首播。女主角具惠善6 日中午抵台,一身輕鬆的穿著顯得神清氣爽,準備迎接一連三天滿檔的宣傳通告。一下飛機,具惠善一行人便前往KIKI餐廳吃飯,喜歡吃辣的她,聽工作人員說 這家餐廳好吃,還先準備好許多美食照片,藉機品嘗川菜美食。離開前,具惠善更拿了幾張餐廳的名片,對餐廳的名片設計感到很有興趣。
吃完辣味十足的川菜暖胃後,兼具演員和導演兩種身分的具惠善,聽說台灣大學擁有椰林大道美景,便與工作人員前往台大,拍攝一些自己作品相關的景色。 抵台首日雖是私人行程,不過途中還是遇到不少民眾眼尖認出,不停形容她「好可愛」,具惠善也都報以微笑回應。新戲「絕對達令」將於明晚首播,具惠善對自己 的第一部台灣偶像劇也相當期待,她說:「可以再到台灣為戲宣傳,真的很高興。也很懷念拍攝那幾個月和大家一起生活的日子,還有去過的地方。」
從周六起,具惠善與汪東城、謝坤達等人將開始三天53小時的馬拉松宣傳行程。下午記者會之後,三人將搭乘高鐵前往高雄出席首映簽名會,與南部的粉絲 們見面,一同搶先欣賞新戲的精采片段。要和好久不見的演員們汪東城、謝坤達等人再度碰面,具惠善也很開心,表示希望能夠能順利完成這三天的宣傳行程。
Source: tw.omg.yahoo.com
Brief summary on the above news:
Ku Hye Sun arrived in Taiwan at noon time on April 6 to prepare for the 3-day promotion of Absolute Boyfriend. Upon arrival, she & her staff went to KIKI Restaurant for Sichuan cuisine. She likes spicy food and went to this restaurant as that’s referred by staff. She also took away some business cards of this restaurant, seems she’s interested in the card design.
Ku also heard about the scenery of palm tree road at Taiwan University. Thus she went there to take some photos as reference for her own project. Though it’s not a public schedule, some passersby recognized her and stated that she’s cute. She also responded with a smile.
In regards to the premiere of Absolute Boyfriend this Sunday, she said, ‘I’m glad to be in Taiwan again for promotion of the drama. I miss the time when filming the drama and also the places I’ve visited.’
She will start the drama promotion on Saturday with a press conference, followed by a meet & greet event in Kaohsiung. She is pleased that she could meet Jiro Wang, Perry Xie & the casts again. She hopes the promotional events would go smoothly.
Translation by meow @ loveghs.wordpress.com
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