December 03, 2011

[Interview] 111201 Lee Min Ho exclusive interview with Shanghai Youth Daily

独家专访“长腿哥哥” 李敏镐赞志玲最美 Exclusive Interview with “Long-leg Oppa” Lee Min Ho praises ZhiLing the most beautiful
嘴里含着糖,一边笑着聊天,还时不时地做出吐舌头等各种可爱搞怪的表情……凭借韩剧《城市猎人》 而爆红的韩星李敏镐,今晚将在上海长宁国际体操中心举行2011巡回见面会第一站。昨日,在上海的一家五星级酒店房间里,李敏镐和本报记者面对面独家对 话,并坦言想和心目中“最美”的林志玲合作。本报记者 林艳雯 Chit-chatting cheerfully with a candy in his mouth, and from time to time he would show a variety of cute expressions like sticking out his tongue… Korean star Lee Min Ho, who becomes extremely popular through Kdrama “City Hunter”, will hold the first FM of his Asia tour 2011 in Shanghai International Gymnastic Center. Yesterday an exclusive interview was conducted with Lee Min Ho in a 5-star hotel room in Shanghai. He confesses that he would like to work with Lin Zhiling, who is “the most beautiful” in his heart. (Reporter Lin Yanwen) 首次来上海,想坐轮船游黄浦江 Visiting Shanghai for the first time, want to take a boat tour in Huangpu River 青年报(以下简称“青”):前一天晚上就到上海了,第一次来,对上海什么印象? Youth Daily (YD hereafter): arrived in Shanghai last night, what is your impression about Shanghai for first time visit? 李敏镐(以下简称“李”):首先是在机场感受到粉丝们的热情,很多粉丝来接机,大概有三四百个,大家的热情让我很感动。 Lee Min Ho (LMH hereafter): Firstly, I can feel the enthusiasm of fans at the airport. Many of them, around 300-400 people, welcome me. I am very touched by their passion. 青:之前对上海有了解吗?想去哪里玩呢? YD: Do you know anything about Shanghai? Any places you want to visit? 李:真的很想去逛一下夜景。因为我住的酒店房间就能看到黄浦江,昨晚也看到轮船了,很想坐着船夜游。 LMH: Really want to go sightseeing of the night view. Since I can see Huangpu River from my hotel room, I can also see the ferries. I really want to take a boat trip at nighttime 青:小吃呢?上海的小吃也是非常有名的,有特别想吃的吗?晚饭吃了什么? YD: How about food? Foods in Shanghai is popular, anything particular you want to try? What did you have for dinner? 李:其实飞机刚落地之后,就去吃了一顿上海菜,觉得味道非常好,但是时间太短了,很多小吃没来得及吃,我怕这几天的时候也不够吃个遍。(转而调皮地问记者,“有没有什么小吃可以推荐的?”) LMH: Actually I had a meal in Shanghai cuisine upon arrival. It’s very delicious. But time is too short; there are many snacks that I haven’t tried. I am afraid there won’t be enough time for me to try them all . (He then playfully asked the reporter if she had any recommendation) 美丽女演员,第一个想起林志玲 Beautiful Actress, Lin Zhiling is the first come into mind 青:想进军中国市场,演中国电影吗? YD: Do you want to act in Chinese movie and enter the China market? 李:其实我看过很多中国的电影,从小就特别喜欢看,尤其是很多港片,包括《英雄本色》、《无间道》,都是我很喜欢的,中国的电影,只要有机会和邀请,我都愿意演。 LMH: On fact I have watched many Chinese movies. I like to watch them since I were young, especially a lot of Hong Kong films, “A better tomorrow”, “Infernal Affairs” are the ones I love. For Chinese film, if there is a chance and invitation, I am willing to try. 青:越来越多的中国女演员在日韩很受欢迎,汤唯也出席了不久前的韩国青龙奖颁奖礼,你印象最深的、或者认为最美的女演员是谁? YD: There are more Chinese actresses becoming popular in Japan & Korea. Tang Wei also attended the Blue Dragon Awards recently. Which actress is the most impressive/ the most beautiful in your mind? 李:如果说想合作的话,梁朝伟和刘德华都是我想要合作的,包括汤唯也是,上次刚见过。现在问我哪个女演员(最美)……林志玲挺美的。 LMH: If talking about the ones I want to work with, Tony Leung Chiu-wai & Andy Lau Tak-wah are the ones. And also Tang Wei, whom I have met. Now you asked about the beautiful actress… Lin Zhiling is beautiful. 青:现在越来越多的韩国演员到中国来发展,你觉得那么多韩国男星中,自己最大的优势和优点在哪里呢?大家都叫你“长腿哥哥”,你觉得腿长和身材比例是你的优势吗? YD: There are more & more Korean actor develop their career in China. What do you think are your biggest strengths and advantages? Everyone calls you “long-leg oppa”, do you think you long legs & body is an advantage? 李:(害羞地笑了几秒钟后)个子高也算是生下来的福分吧,因为我父母个子也很高,其实现在韩国女孩也喜欢高个子的。大家放心,为了粉丝们我会一直努力健身,保持好身材的。至于优势,我觉得自己是个热衷于专注角色创作的人。 LMH: (smile for a few seconds shyly) It’s a blessing from god to have a tall body, since my parents are tall as well. Actually girls in Korea also like tall guys. No worry, I will continue to exercise and keep my body shape for my fans. For advantages, I think I am a person who is keen to focus on creating character. 性格很开朗,爱情也会主动出击 Very outgoing personality, will take initiation for love 青:《城市猎人》让更多的中国影迷喜欢上了你,你给自己打几分呢? YD: “City Hunter” makes more Chinese fans fell in love with you, how do you rate your performance? 李:其实每次我演完一部戏都没给自己打过高分,基本都在50分以下,但每次观众的喜爱都超过了我的预期。说实话我对自己的演技有很多不满意的地方,比如《城市猎人》开拍前我经过了几个月的专业打斗训练,如果给我六个月或更长时间,应该会打得更好。 LMH: Actually I have never rated myself a high marks after every project, basically all are below 50. But every time the love from audience is more than I expected. Frankly speaking, I am not very satisfied with my acting in many aspects. For example, for the fight scenes in City Hunter, I have received training for a few months, but I think I can do much better if I can be trained for 6 months or more 青:演了那么多角色,哪个和你自己最接近?感情方面喜欢怎样的女生? YD: among all the characters you have played, which is the closest to your true self? Which type of girl you like? 李:我觉得角色和我本人是很互补的,每个角色都会有百分之五十的相像,比如《城市猎人》里面的李润成,我觉得自己和他比较相似的一面是开朗乐观,又喜欢独立思考想事情。不过,感情上我并不会像那个角色那样,喜欢一个人就会主动问她“你爱我吗”。 LMH: I think the character and my true self are complementary; every role would have 50% look alike. Such as City Hunter’s Lee Yoon Sung, I think we are alike on the side of his optimistic, cheerful and think independently; but regarding the side about love, I would not like the role I played. I would take the initiation to say “do you love me” if I love someone Source: Translation: meow / P.S. did the translation in a rush, there might be many typos or inaccurate translation, please bear with me. Enjoy reading!

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