Interview with Lee Min Ho who’s an active user of LINE OFFICIAL ACCOUNT!!
There are 16 famous celebrities under [LINE OFFICIAL ACCOUNTS].
Today, we interviewed a newly joined member of LINE, Lee Min Ho, who’s a famous Korean actor, and we wanted to know how he uses his LINE and what made him want to join LINE OFFICIAL ACCOUNTS!

It has only been a week since Lee Min Ho joined LINE, and he sent us photos during the time when he was shooting for his drama or TV commercial. And of course, he answered in Japanese as best as he could for his Japanese fans!

We were told that Lee Min Ho personally uses his LINE account. He answered some of our questions below.
Q. Please tell us when you use your LINE account.
A. I use it when I want to keep in touch with my friends, or when I want to share my updates using the chatting feature(talk).
Q. What’s your favorite (or commonly used) LINE stamp? Also, when do you use it?
A. I use it when someone says something and it’s hard for me to give a reaction, or if it’s something that’s hard for me to answer.

Q. In the future for LINE users, you can deliver various information and exchange messages with your fans on real time, are you interested?
A. I want to know more updates about my fans and find common interests. I think it would be fun to have something in common to talk about.
Q. Through the use of LINE OFFICIAL ACCOUNT, you can directly communicate with your fans. Please share some words.
A. Hello, this is Lee Min Ho. I’m thrilled to find out that I can meet all of you through LINE. I think it’s great to be able to exchange updates about one another. Not only mine, but rather I would like to hear a lot more updates about you. Always be happy ^^
Q. Please leave a message for your fans!
A. Thank you everyone for your interest in ‘City Hunter in SEOUL.’ I am currently filming for my new drama ‘The Faith’ (working title), and I think it will be an amazing drama. I will update you through LINE.
We are looking forward to Lee Min Ho’s future updates, and see him appear as an ON-AIR status!
Original Source: Starhaus Entertainment’s Facebook
Translated By: Solly @ Lee Min Ho’s World (